carnet de conducir

Validation driving licence

Exchange your driving licence abroad in Spain

The validation of the driving licence is usually a process with a lot of documentation, that is why Documents Express we offer you our services. We take care of the whole process. 

What are the requirements in the DGT to perform the exchange of driving licence?

You can redeem the permissions of cnducir once you have been 6 months in Spain or directly if you already have a residence in Spain.

The DGT usually ask for all kinds of documentation to verify the validity of the driving licence.  

Documentation required to validate the licence


Advantages validate your driving licence with Documents Express

We take care of all the documentation, streamlining the paperwork.

Unable to process the validation of your license to drive, whatever your country of origin.

You can request your budget

Contact us to ask for your budget or to accompany you on any questions you may have.

Monday to Thursday: 09:00 to 18:00
Friday: 09:00 to 16:00
