baja de vehículos

Vehicle Deregistration

Baja de vehículos con Documentos Express. Sea cual sea el motivo por el que vas a dar de baja un vehículo, nosotros nos encargamos de todo el tramite de forma cómoda, rápida y segura. Algunos de los motivos para dar de baja son, una venta, antigüedad, traslado al extranjero, sustracción…sea como sea, hay que realizar el tramite en la DGT. Es muy importante este trámite, ya que dejar un vehículo en la vía pública puede conllevar consecuencias para el propietario. 

In Documents Express we take care of to make the floor of your vehicle, either temporarily or permanently. Forget be looking for that documentation you need, take appointments, go to Traffic...we take care of everything.

Documentation required to decommission a vehicle


Below is A list of the documentation that is necessary to handle the low of your vehicle. 

Performs low vehicle with Documents Express


The entire process can be done online without having to navigate to any office.


Forget about seeking prior appointment, all the processed instantly.


You will have all the documentation and information available from the hand of a professional team.


Something very precious, save your time by counting with a team of professionals who know how to perform all the formalities.


You will always be aware of the whole procedure for your peace of mind.


We will inform you at all times of the status of your vehicle and the best way to solve any problem.

Do you need to drop your vehicle?

In Documents Express, we can arrange the floor of your vehicle for you, whatever the reason.

You can request your budget

Contact us to ask for your budget or to accompany you on any questions you may have.

Monday to Thursday: 09:00 to 18:00
Friday: 09:00 to 16:00
